To see a Specialist in WA Specialist Centre, All patients will need a referral from your GP or family doctor
While making a referral your GP will decide which specialist you need to consult or best suited for your care and will provide us with a letter of referral, and any pathology results or any CT or MRI or Imaging report attached to the referral.
Unless you have been told otherwise all the information with referral will be sent by your GP, you wont need to send anything.
You will be contacted directly by our staff from WA Specialist Centre rooms once all the administrative works are completed, In most cases you will hear from our staff about the status of your referral within 1 week of your referral receiving. If it's more than 2weeks please contact us to follow up.
Our staff will advise you about your appointment and will take you to the next steps to help you prepare for the appointment. You will be asked to fill a new patient form and each specialist may have slightly different needs so you may be asked to complete additional paperwork.